VoiceThread Docs / Web Application / Editing / Replacing a slide

New VT

Replacing a slide allows you to add a new image or central piece of media while not disturbing any of the comments on that slide. It’s great for making minor corrections or updates.

From the edit page:

  1. Go to the Edit page.
  2. Click on the menu icon in the bottom-right corner of the slide you want to title, then click on the pencil icon (label: “Edit”).
  1. Click on the “Replace” button beneath the preview of your slide.
  1. Browse for and select the file you want to upload.

  2. Save.

From an open VoiceThread

  1. Click on the slide details icon near the top-right corner of the page, then click on the pencil icon (label: “Edit”).
  1. Click on the “Replace” button beneath the preview of your slide.
  1. Browse for and select the file you want to upload.

  2. Save.

  1. Click on the slide gallery button.
  1. Click on the menu icon in the bottom-right corner of the slide you want to title, then click on the pencil icon (label: “Edit”).

slide_gallery_edit.png 3. Click on the “Replace” button beneath the preview of your slide.

  1. Browse for and select the file you want to upload.

  2. Save.

Legacy VT

To replace the central media of a slide while preserving the comments that have already been recorded:

  1. Go to the Edit page.
  2. Click on the slide you want to replace.
  3. Click on the pencil icon in the bottom-left corner of the slide thumbnail.
  4. Click the “Replace Media” link.
  5. Select the media that you’d like to upload in place of the existing slide.
  6. Save.